Thursday, October 08, 2015

The Ghosts of Rockabilly

I don't know if you guys have been watching Gotham -- which is now officially the most grisly and dark show in the history of television -- but here's something that's even scarier.

I was going to put this up last week, after having posted the Thieves song of the same name, but I got distracted by real life concerns.

In any case, now that I know that Jumpin' Gene is a cousin of new friend of PowerPop Steve Deaton, I figured I really needed to redress this grievous wrong.


  1. I keep hearing the Coasters doing "Yakety Yak". I have a weakness for this kind of thing.

  2. When cousin Gene died, he requested that this song be played at his funeral as the pall bearers toted him out of the little country Baptist church in North Mississippi. I just love the idea of a campy Halloween novelty song being blasted over the speakers after all my Bundren-like relatives sang "Shall We Gather By The River" and "Amazing Grace." Kind of sad and pathetic, but also wonderfully surreal. This was his only gold record.

  3. Brooklyn Girl in Queens10/08/2015 11:59 AM

    At least it wasn't the other Gene Simmons! Talk about scary.

  4. Interesting note: the scarier fire-breathing, bloody-tongue waggin' Gene stated in an interview that he did indeed get his stage name from rockabilly Gene

  5. Another funny story: My mother told me that rockabilly Gene once mistakenly received a royalty check of KISS Gene's. He was ecstatic . . . until he realized the mistake.

  6. Steve D -- did the two ever meet? ", I think this check belongs to you..." kind-of-thing?

  7. Shriner -- not that I am aware. I think my cousin just called up BMI and they went "Ooops . . . so sorry!" Not sure about that.

  8. One more story about ole Gene, then I promise I'll shut up: His song "Peroxide Blonde in a Hopped Up Model Ford" (which my trio recorded as a tribute recently) was originally recorded for Sun Records in the mid-50s. Never released and partially destroyed. Brian Setzer later heard the fragment and wanted to record it on his Sun tribute album. Settler contacted Gene to see if he could remember the other verses. Gene could not remember the missing parts and asked Setzer to write a third verse and complete it. The fragment can still be found on some Sun compilations. I love Setzer's version.

  9. Brooklyn Girl in Queens10/08/2015 12:48 PM

    Speaking of the "other" Gene Simmons, I love this:
