Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Hey -- These Guys Are Good!!!

Elvis Costello, Richard Thompson, the late Allen Toussaint and the later Levon Helm have some live fun with Toussaint's "A Certain Girl."

As reader Matt Mitchell, who passed this along to me, said in his e-mail:
Great version, even with botched vocal by Elvis. Great RT solo.
Of course Toussaint is without peer.

I think that pretty much sums it up.


  1. Tasty stuff indeed. Can't say I noticed a "botched vocal" by Elvis. I did notice Nick Lowe tho. Anyone know the rest of the band?

  2. Not that I care that much, but RT botched the end of the solo. Overall, pretty loose but only average performance. Nice to see all those cats together though.

    Other players:

    The great Larry Campbell - guitar (I love this guy); Steve Nieve - keys; Pete Thomas - percussion. Davey Faragher also played this show.


  3. Don't know where or when it's from.

  4. It's from Elvis Costello's Sundance channel TV series, Spectacle. Not sure where they shot this one. Ray Lamontagne was also a guest.


  5. Without digging out old albums, aren't some of those folk former Elvis band mates? Nice to hear Nick doing something that requires a pulse

    I will still hold Richard as my best writer of sad songs. He'll make you want to slash your wrists immediately.

  6. wait a sec...! That's Levon Helm on drums y'all!

    tony j
