Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Your Wednesday Moment of Words Fail Me: Special And Schroeder on Piano Edition

Buddy Holly's "Fools Paradise." In true stereo at last, as nature intended.

This is actually my favorite sort of obscure Holly song -- I hope to cover it some day before I die. Not to get morbid, or anything.


  1. Great song! One of my many Holly faves.

  2. Buddy is in no way over-rated.

  3. I'm not a Holly fanatic but I've always liked this song, never more than when I just learned it was Schroeder on piano. A great line, Mr. S.

    Dave F

  4. Dave -- thanks, but I cannot tell a lie; stole the line from a Facebook buddy.

  5. Vi Petty rocked. Go to Clovis and see the Petty Museum. Muy cool.

    Sounds like a squishy, swishy fan remix to me. I'll take the mono original, thank you.

    VR - Our husband just gave us a grand to blow on clothes. That'll be easy. Wait till he sees what we got him. A Pajama-Gram with the girl included. Not kidding. She comes on Christmas Eve to tuck him in and put the X back in XMAS. Then off to Zicatela. Surf or no surf, the water's warm. Season's Greetings conocidos.

  6. Sounds like an automatic (and artificial) stereo mix to me, too. At :40 in, I can hear a brief bit of phase cancellation, resulting in a momentary dip in level. But this remix also moves Buddy's voice out front, which is nice.
