Monday, June 27, 2016

Tales That Witness Madness

From 1963, and his second(!) solo album, please enjoy the great Morey Amsterdam...

...and a song (much beloved of my youth) whose title perhaps best encapsulates my current worldview -- the immortal "Yuk-a-Puk."

I've actually been trying to track down that one, whose provenance I had completely forgotten, for ages; finding it the other day, of course, only reinforced my long-held belief that YouTube is the greatest contribution to human scholarship since the Library at Alexandria.

In any case, don't give me any grief about it posting it, or else I may decide to devote the remainder of this week solely to borscht-belt humor and novelty songs from the '60s.


  1. Ok -- he's no Allan Sherman, that's for sure...

    Even the background singers sound bored...

  2. This is one of those classics that worked better live.

    Captain Al

  3. Morey was a lot funnier on the Dick Van Dyke show.

  4. what da fuck, what da fuck, what da fuck

    Go to Hollywood Squares! Go Directly to Hollywood Squares! And take Sally with you

    VR - at least surf's flirtin' with up - like a half-hearted hardon, sometimes it's all there is to ride
