Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Show Biz Maxim: If You Can't Sing or Dance, Honey -- Show Us Your Tits!

Noted, otherwise, without comment.

Hey Capt. Al -- what say we make this the playlist for my next appearance on your show?


  1. My favorite is "Just the Poem from the end Nights in White Satin"

  2. That is too rude. I like Born Free from Andy Williams followed with Revolution #9 by the Beatles.

  3. Hey Capt. Al -- what say we make this the playlist for my next appearance on your show?

    Only if you both strip to it!

  4. Speaking of Revolution #9, have you heard the alternate mix of the acoustic version, where #9 slowly emerges out of the fade-out? It is the single most psychedelic thing I've ever heard and the only time I've heard #9 where it made sense.

  5. Not reviewed by us, as they used to say at the ny TIMES TV review section.

  6. "Nights In White Satin" is do-able. In a private bedroom strip kinda thing.


  7. With contact.


  8. What --- no "If I Were A Carpenter" or "A Horse With No Name"?

    This cries out for a Volume II.

  9. When Trump becomes President and makes America great again, A Horse With No Name will be our national anthem.

  10. Denis Leary:

    "You're in the desert. You have nothing to do. Name the fucking horse."

  11. Hey Gummo: It's radio so I'll be happy to do it. Simels is blind as a bat so see won't see a thing!

    Steve: That is the most bizarre playlist I've ever seen, let's do it!!!

    Capt. Al

    PS: Vickie- No peeking! And no peaking!!!

  12. I personally have seen "You're having my baby" by Paul Anka done in flagrante delicto!

    l'horreur l'horreur

  13. I think this is a Listomania in the making.

    "God Didn't Make LIttle Green Apples" is right up there, too.

  14. Capt. Al: Nothing to see here.

    My baby's in restraints and I'm ready to cue up "Nights In White Satin." Each veil will drop in dreamy slow motion as the morning glory fully blooms. Dancing only close enough to have my nipples brush against his chest and thighs and ...

    Thanks for the tip, Steve.

    VR - Baby's gonna get a regal and majestic tonking tonight. Mmmm.
