Monday, August 01, 2016

Your Monday Moment of Why Didn't I Get the Memo?

Live, from the Prudential Center in my home state in 2012, please enjoy The Rolling Stones and some neighborhood guy...

...roaring through the Stones' classic "Tumbling Dice."

I always suspected that if Springsteen ever showed up onstage with the Stones that this is the song they'd collaborate on.

That said, the performance here is kind of a mess, to be sure. Mick's not in particularly good voice, "Tumbling Dice" is not really in Springsteen's vocal comfort zone, and let's just say that the guitar solo is not one of the best the Boss has ever done.

I basically don't care, though, because the song is largely unruinable, because everybody here involved is clearly having a ball, and because by the end of the performance the groove all concerned are generating is overwhelming -- particularly Charlie fucking Watts on drums, who just absolutely lays 'em in the aisles.


  1. Please - never do this to me before breakfast. Even if I *am* already dead.


  2. There was a better time when they wouldn't entertain the idea of "special guests." Let alone "The Butt". Keith's barely in the video. Guess he didn't want to "guitar pose" with an oafish cornball that's never written anything close to the majesty of the Stones. At least that's what I'd like to think. The song really brings out Springsteen's inner "clod". This song used to have swagger in concert. Those days are gone forever. Nothing gold can stay.


  3. I really liked this one when I saw it back when it came out. I wondered what took so long for Springsteen to play with the Stones. Gotta love Charlie. And Woody and Keef were pretty much on for this version, also.

  4. VR, just shut the fuck up. Jesus.

  5. And they both have small dicks!!!

    Captain Al

  6. Jai Guru Dave8/02/2016 12:05 AM

    People, people - why are we fighting?

    Come on down.

  7. I kinda second the "Vicki, STFU" remark. I used to enjoy this place.

  8. just to balance it out, I'm with VR. I bought Tumbling Dice as a 45 in a dime store in Windfall IN. Whatever this song is, I don't recognize it.

  9. That 45 came out about a month before Exile. What a great groove! Still remember where I was the first time I heard it on the radio. We pulled the car over to give it our utmost attention. I spent that day with a guy from Long Beach. It was a beach-movie-concert date. We went to Fritz the Cat and then Little Richard. First heard it on the drive to the concert. Magnificent! Loved the dice/craps references to casual sex. Low down gamblers do a lota rollin' and tumblin' of the dice. Rolled me many a Hard Eight, myself :-)

    VR - blowin' the dice for luck
