Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Kids Are Alright

So Monday night, being sensible people, we watched Hillary grinding The Donald into little Trump meatballs with the sound off.

But when our old pal and bandmate Ronnie D'Addario's rock star kids came on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, we cranked it.

Both of which worked out rather well.

Nice job, Lemon Twigs.


  1. BTW -- that's my 1961 Fender Bassman amp those kids are using. Gave it to them last year and I'm glad to see it found a good home.

  2. Lemon Twigs appear to be seasoned adults in the bodies of teens. What was funny was Drummer Twigs reaction to Fallon's closing Thank You and Goodnight.

    And Brooklyn Vegan's got a piece on the Twigs Tonight Show appearance at

  3. They're playing at Irving Plaza tonight.

  4. Nicely done, indeed! Ronnie must be kvelling! (And rightly so.)

  5. That bass amp might have a future in show biz!

    Capt. Al

  6. That's funny: Michael D'Addario's playing my Epiphone Les Paul Junior! (Except that it's his...but it's the same one I've got; *great* guitar!)

  7. There was a piece in either Mojo or Uncut last month about these guys and they said all the right things- Todd Rundgren, Brian Wilson, psychedelia. Of course, I assumed it was the usual Brit-hype bullshit. Then I heard the first two available studio tracks, both of which knocked me out. Now this performance! Damn! They could be my new favorite band, based on two songs and a TV spot.
