Friday, September 09, 2016

To Boldly Go...


Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek, and schween that I am, I forgot to celebrate it here.

So, to make amends, from 1979, please enjoy the curtain raiser to Star Trek: The Motion Picture (the pre-credits music, in other words) by the late great Jerry Goldsmith.

ST:TMP isn't a great movie (although I think it's fair to describe it as a great work of kinetic art, at least in the trip through the great space cloud sequences), but Goldsmith's scores is one of the best in film history. Gloriously melodic and overflowing with inspiration -- for my money it's right up there with Alex North's work on Spartacus or Prokofiev's on Alexander Nevsky or any of Bernie Herrmann's classics.

Have a fab weekend, everybody!


  1. The correct name of that movie is Star Trek: The Motion Sickness.

    I grew up in a small town in the rural mid-south-central US, where it literally took months for new movies to reach us. I drove a couple of hours to the Big City with a small group of my high school buddies to see this the first weekend it was out. On the way back, we were struggling to find something good to say about it, and after about 90 minutes we all broke down and exclaimed, "wow, that was bad!" I've never seen it since, and have no memory of the score...
