Friday, September 16, 2016

Your Friday Moment of Words Fail Me

From 2014, please enjoy Rick Springfield -- yes, him -- and a stunning solo version of the Fleetwood Mac classic "Oh Well."

I'm a fan, and I knew he was good. But I didn't know he was THIS good.

As a bonus, here he is back in the late 60s with his first Australian band, Zoot (he references them in the "Oh Well" clip), doing a sort of Move-esque version of "Eleanor Rigby."

It's a bit of a period piece, but as you can see, he was already a great guitar player. (Incidentally, the bass guy in this lot went on to found The Little River Band, but we needn't bring that up, since the statute of limitations on that band has clearly expired.)

Have a great weekend, everybody!


  1. Blue Ash Fan9/16/2016 9:04 AM

    I saw him performing a solo club show a few years ago and, man, I was stunned. He was funny and engaging, and who the hell knew he could play guitar like that? He did a Badfinger tune -- I think it was "Day After Day" -- and absolutely nailed it. An incredible show. This is one seriously underrated dude.

  2. Beyond impressive. Too bad he didn't focus more on harder rock as he can play.

  3. This is the song that he wrote and recorded with the Foo Fighters.

    Pretty exciting...

  4. Hello, please remain seated,! That was really good.


  5. Some people just have it all. He's scrumptious. That I could fall to my knees and worship him in the deepest way I know how.

    He was pretty cool as Dr. Irving Pitlor too.

    VR - I would wash his feet with my hair

  6. I would wash my hair with his feet. So-o-o sexy. Me, I mean.

  7. Lots of guys richer and more famous that cant do that. Really nice. Thanks for posting it. I'm a fan as well and had no idea.

  8. Always like Rick Springfield.

  9. Thank you Steve. I've never seen either of these videos. They make a great case for Rick as a masterful guitarist who has a great ear for the really good riffs. I admit I bought a couple of RS albums, but after his second one I could tell he was being too over produced and homogenized. In other words I sensed something was lost. This pretty much makes me feel I wasn't being too harsh. I'm glad for him that he's had a great ride and is still going, especially when he diverts from his "hits" and drops the goods like this. Respect!

  10. I think 'Working Class Dog' is a fantastic Rick Springfield album... and man that ZOOT video. Kinda dig all the unnecessary dance moves and excessive guitar riffs.
