Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Programming Notes From All Over

In the immortal words of Southside Johnny -- this time it's for real.

Yes, yours truly will be heard today -- at 1pm EST -- on the Sirius XM music trivia game show 70s 80s 90s Now.

I'm also told that the show will be re-run at various times throughout the week and the weekend.

If you have Sirius, please -- tune in have a cheap laugh at my expense. Seriously, the show is very funny and host Jim Shearer is a real mensch.


  1. I am informed that the show re-runs tonight at 8pm EST.

    So you working stiffs can listen after work tonight.

  2. Cool! I spend a fair amount of time driving for work and so XM is my friend. The Volume channel is an interesting experiment, still finding its feet but it can be a lot of fun. I did pro radio for 15 years (after a couple of years of much more fun college left-of-dial stuff) so you can imagine my slight but palpable jealousy.
