Thursday, March 23, 2017

Know What I Mean, Girls?

From 1945, please enjoy the incredible Spike Jones-- NOT the guy who made that John Malkovich movie -- and the ultimate feminist anthem "Serenade to a Jerk."

Played this on Capt. Al's radio show Tuesday and I'm now convinced it's the greatest record ever made.

I shouldn't love him, he's lazy
He sits around while I work
But when he's near me my heart sings
A serenade to a jerk

Sometimes he's stupid and hazy
Sometimes his brain doesn't hurt
Still the guy plays on my heart strings
A serenade to a jerk

Oh maybe I'm a little fool
For loving the guy the way I do,
Wonder why I'm stuck with him

Leaving him would drive me crazy
I'm sure that it wouldn't work
So I'll pour my heart out by singing
A serenade to a jerk

C'mon -- did PJ Harvey ever do anything this good? I think not.

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