Thursday, April 06, 2017

Annals of the Land of Ice and Snow: And Speaking of Ubiquitous...

...the great R. Crumb really nailed the essential element of Swedish culture.

But seriously, ladies and germs, one of the few disappointing things about our recent nordic adventure was discovering that the Swedish Music Hall of Fame is no longer housed in the same building as the ABBA Museum...

...but is, in fact, relocating to a separate facility and is thus, for the moment, unavailable for beholding.

Oh well, we're going back next year, and hopefully it will have reopened by then.

In the meantime, from 2002, please enjoy the incredible The Soundtrack of Our Lives and the jaw-droppingly fabulous "Sister Surround."

Those guys are my favorite Swedish band ever, and they should be yours, too.

More Scandanavian mishegass on the morrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pete Townshend Union Jack blazer, dual bass drums, McCartney (later) Rickenbacker bass, Gibson SG, White tolex dual Marshals, Singer who looks like Bonzo - what's not to like ?

    rob ;-)

  3. TSOOL is one of my favorite, if not favorite band since the 70s. I learned of them from one of my son's guitar mags years ago. The article listed the band's influences as the Stones, the Who, Zep, Pink Flerd, and so on. That's all I needed to see. Thing is, the band has the influences but sounds totally original. Also, the band was killer live. Hate it that they called it quits a few years back.

  4. They were on Letterman. And killed.

  5. This is good stuff (I checked out a few more of the songs/videos). Where have they been my whole life?

    Captain Al

  6. A great song, a great band and a great live band. Saw TSOOL at Castle Clinton in Battery Park -- in VERY lower Manhattan -- in 2004 before I heard any of the band's music, and was absolutely and fundamentally blown away. All the posing in the Sister Surround video you posted, Steve, was on display, and Ebbot Lundberg, the band's lead singer, was roaming all over the stage and wandering out into the audience like an artist-madman. Picked up all of their albums afterward, and recently got Lundberg's most recent album, FOR THE AGES TO COME, which (I think) was released last year in Europe.

    Here's a link to SISTER SURROUND with Lundberg and his current band.

  7. I got into this band right after they broke up. That is unfortunate that they are not together still!

  8. Ok, the lead singer looks a little too much like Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
    Coincidence or Conspiracy?

  9. Sorry Steve. Front man has zero charisma. Band looks like a bunch of posers in the video. I know I'm s'posed to like 'em but never understood all the fuss. There are many bands in Sweden who are better. As far as powerpop is concerned, my daughter turned me on to Tommy 16. That's more like it.

    Did you go to Pet Sounds? Or not?


  10. Went to a couple of Swedish record stores, but didn't get to Pet Sounds.

    More on that on Monday,..

  11. Their video is not available in my country. Damn, I hate that!
