Friday, May 12, 2017

Your Friday Moment of A Tail for Which the World is Not Yet Prepared !!!

From 1995, please enjoy Canadian (don't hold it against him) singer/songwriter Jay Semko...

...and his brilliant avant-garde screenplay masquerading as a pop record/absolutely flat out fabulous on every level "Mouse in a Hole."

I must confess that prior to a few weeks ago I knew nothing about either this guy or this song. And if truth be told, I was hipped to him/it by possibly the most offensively stupid/anti-Semitic/douchebag it's ever been my misfortune to have to deal with via the intertubes.

That said -- blind squirrel/nut. I mean, this is really great.

Have a terrific weekend, everybody!!!


  1. Really good.

    Capt. Al

  2. Blue Ash Fan5/12/2017 12:16 PM

    Holy shit!

    That was brilliant.

    Looks like I've got some purchasin' to do.

    Thanks, Steve.

  3. That's the guy from the Northern Pikes. In the late 1980's they got some airplay on AAA KEDG-FM "The Edge" before they pulled the plug and went easy listening. When the format changed, the call letters became KLIT, which was kind of funny. Anyway, the song in rotation was "Place That's Insane". It was catchy, if flawed. Saw the CD with that track used all over the place. Got a copy. It had a couple of OK songs, but not enough for me to follow the band any further.


    Here's that old radio friendly Northern Pikes tune.

  4. Hey, it's Canada's 150th birthday in a few weeks (July 1, to be specific), I'm expecting a really special List-o-Mania on Canadian music on the Friday before that day. Start preparing, Mr. Simels.

    J. Lag

  5. Yeah, this is good.

  6. J. Lag -- thanks for the headsup on Canadia. I guess I'm gonna have to take you up on that.

  7. I had my heads up my Canadia once, and, boy, did the doctor ever laugh at me :) :)

    Steve- re: the list- yes, please don't forget and if you're ever in Toronto, I'll buy you a beverage of your choice.

    J. Lag

  8. Sounds similar to a Leonard Cohen record I'd like.
