Thursday, July 06, 2017

What's the Matter With Kids Todeay?

Noted without comment.

Except to say that The Smiths would have been a hell of a great instrumental band.


  1. Agreed. The oh-so-hip Morrissey is such a delicate, tortured soul...

    That being said, I really dig Johnny Mars.

  2. The Smiths were the sum of it's parts. It would not have been the same band without Moz's lyrics.

    It's like U2. Without Bono, the Edge would have been just another guitar player.

  3. Too Much Morrissey..."

    Said no Morissey concert goer ever.

  4. I liike how the author is Robert Smith.

  5. Pete -- I thought that was amusing as well.

  6. Sparks, as usual, say it best: "Lighten Up, Morrissey."

    See the video at

    And these are the lyrics.

    She won't go out with me, no, she won't go out
    'Cause my intellect's paper thin
    She won't go out with me, no, she won't go out
    Since my intellect's not like him

    So, lighten up, Morrissey

    She won't hang out with me, no, she won't hang out
    'Til my biting wit bites like his
    She won't hang out with me, no, she won't hang out
    'Til my quick retort's quick as his

    So, lighten up, Morrissey?
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey

    She won't have sex with me, no, she won't have sex
    'Less it's done with a pseudonym
    She won't do sport with me, no, she won't do sport
    Says it's way, way too masculine, look at him

    So, lighten up, Morrissey?
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey

    I got comparisons coming out my ears
    And she never can hit the pause
    If only Morrissey weren't so Morrisseyesque
    She might overlook all my flaws

    So, lighten up, Morrissey
    Lighten up, lighten up
    So, lighten up, Morrissey
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey'
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey

    She won't dine out with me, no, she won't dine out
    Says my T-bone steak is at fault
    She won't dine out with me, no, she won't dine out
    With a murderer, pass the salt

    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, lighten up
    Lighten up, Morrissey
    Lighten up, lighten up

    I particularly like the stanza about the T-bone steak.

  7. Meat is murder...tasty, tasty murder.

  8. Medium rare and eaten with the hands. In the nude, by candlelight, with a bottle of good Cabernet Sauvignon. Its succulence will unleash the beast. Savor the pleasures of the flesh. Get every last bit of meat off that bone. Raise the fuckin' kundalini.

    VR - Morrissey sucks mass balls

  9. Sparks also have one about Balls.

    A live performance vid is here:

    And lyrics to Balls?

    Nothing too prosaic
    Nothing too archaic
    Here's your wakeup call
    We are provocation
    We are instigation
    Here's your wakeup call, your second call

    Balls. All you need are,
    Balls. To succeed are
    Balls. All you need are
    Balls. All you need are,
    Balls. To succeed are
    Balls. All you need are

    You can sting or be stung
    You can fling or be flung
    It's all up to you
    When they're being with you
    They're agreeing with you
    What you say is true, it comes from

    Balls. All you need are,
    Balls. To succeed are
    Balls. All you need are
    Balls. All you need are,
    Balls. To succeed are
    Balls. All you need are

    You can wait for saviors
    Meting out their favors
    You can wait and wait
    Hope may spring eternal
    Sounds a bit maternal
    Do you want to wait, or crash the gate

    Balls. All you need are,
    Balls. To succeed are
    Balls. All you need are
    Balls. All you need are,
    Balls. To succeed are
    Balls. All you need are.

    Others will respect you
    Others will elect you
    They'll accept your calls
    Others will desire you
    They may not admire you
    But they will admit
    You do transmit

    And don't forget Angst In My Pants.

  10. Let's just go ahead and anoint Moz as The Godfather of Snowflakes.

  11. Morrissey sure nursed himself on some great tunes. Judging from his music and lyrics, it's hard to believe that he was a fan of such ballsy and/or groundbreaking bands as the Dolls, Iggy, Patti Smith Group, the Velvets, Roxy Music and Sparks. Nevertheless, his cult remains undeniable. I did not come of age with it. And I thank the Lord for this. I've got little use for Morrissey. England didn't swing in the 1980's.

    Mark: re: Sparks - In the early Seventies the rumor was that the Mael Brothers had an incestuous relationship. However unfounded the gossip may have been, it added to their mystique. I remember seeing them a few times in the 1970's. First time was at the Whisky when "Wonder Girl" was getting some airplay and "Halfnelson" had just been repackaged as "Sparks."

    Not long after that, me and my longtime girlfriend from Hawthorne saw them again at the Whisky. It was around the time of "Woofer." But we really didn't go for the music. My girlfriend knew a roadie for the other band that played that night. They were Three Dog Night proteges. We went to score some china white off of him. Since quality guys were scarce that night, we went to her place after the gig, fired up, and had dreamy sex. It was only my second time slamming it. For a time, we did it together regularly, but carefully, once or twice a month. It became part of our much anticipated, "special treat," sex ritual. Usually threesomes, as we shared each others boyfriends. All involved would partake and be kissed by the perfect warmth of the creator. We served him with our reason to be here.

    But I digress. I also saw Sparks with Flo & Eddie and another time co-billed with an unsigned Van Halen. How weird is that?

    Re: Angst in my pants/Balls - My livelihood and quasi-raison d'etre was giving guys overwhelming angst in the pants:-) That power is intoxicating, especially when it's just a prick tease. Guys may complain, but deep-down they love being denied. It means they don't have to worry about letting you down:-) Since Eve, a woman with game trumps balls. You feel me?

