Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Chicago and San Francisco Confidential: A Photo Essay

So, as you may have heard, a certain Shady Dame and I recently had a transcontinental vacation -- flying into Chicago for couple of days, and then taking the California Zephyr train to San Francisco.

We had a thoroughly splendid time (and I heartily recommend a similar train trip to everybody). So herewith, as is my wont on these occasions, a little visual look at our trip. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

We saw this in our cab from O'Hare Airport on our way into town. I think if you look at the second from the bottom fee, you'll conclude, as we did, that Chicago is a town that really knows how to party.

The Pritzker Pavillion and the famous Cloud Sculpture. The locals have assured us that these are actually the pods that ALIEN hatched from.

At the Chicago Art Institute. Who knew that Ivan Albright had painted a highly flattering portrait of me?

And speaking of the Art Institute, here's my favorite exhibit -- which is on display at their cafeteria year round. Artist unknown, but obviously pretty frosty.

A Catholic book shop near the museum. Have your picture taken with Pope Frankie giving a big thumbs up!

Near our hotel. Obviously, I was just about to get my kicks.

The view from the dining car on the California Zephyr, at our first stop (in, I believe, Bumfuck,Nebraska.)

In San Francisco. Why do I have the feeling that Orson Welles once visited this building?

Okay, these people need to get a life.

Seen in front of a hotel that caters to show biz folk. But how did she tell such funny jokes with such tiny hands? (They're bigger than Trump's, but still...)

Does anybody else find it weird that horrible medical conditions...have their own phone numbers and galleries in this town?

A famous Beatnik hangout in North Beach. As you can see, the late Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane was a regular.

The Roz Chast exhibit at the Contemporary Jewish Museum. The aforementioned Shady Dame seems somewhat nonplussed.

P.S.: Unlike as in my previous photo essays on Quebec and Stockholm, there was no evidence I could find that folks in either Chicago or San Francisco are particularly interested in mooses.


  1. Hey you and the Shady Lady stole our trip. Laura & I have been planning a similar trip for years! Do you have any more train photos you can post?

    Captain Al

  2. Billionaire JB Pritzker is running for gov of Illinois, trying to unseat the present billionaire gov Bruce Rauner. What the idle rich do for fun........

    btw Pritzker made his early bones with Ticketmaster.

  3. The Pritzkers started the Hyatt hotel chain. JB got his money from his father.

  4. you're right. He had "his" money since he was a glint in his great, great, great, great grandpappy's eye.

  5. That's The Picture of Dorian Grey. I used it in my dissertation.
