Monday, October 09, 2017

In Case You Missed It...

...this was the cold open of Saturday's episode of SNL.

His intro was a little apolitical/boilerplate -- a mention of gun control would have been nice -- and Jason Aldean isn't much of a singer, really. His band absolutely nailed the song, however, and I have to admit I was moved. Good on Aldean for doing it; I can only imagine how horrific last Tuesday must have been for him.

Host Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) was pretty great, too.


  1. my feelings exactly. No style of music has been affected more negatively than country by the tyranny of the microphone. All the singers have tiny, inexpressive little voices, if I may generalize.

  2. This song at this time by this band is one of the best ideas ever. Kudos.

  3. There would have been a mention of gun control but now was not the time to discuss it.

    Captain Al

  4. It seems like the song is out of his range. Too bad. As for the band, Nashville seems so full of great players it is crazy.
