Friday, December 15, 2017

Don't Try This at Home!

From 2017, and their just released eponymous album, please enjoy the pride of New Jersey, AKA Mike Daly and the Planets, and their haunting ode to exactly what it sounds like -- "Kill a Clown (No, Not Really)."

Okay, actually this song has been around for a couple of years, but the album is new, so forgive me.

In any case, you can find out more about these guys -- including where to purchase their CD -- over HERE. Trust me -- this is guitar-driven power pop and general rock-and-roll of a very high order indeed.

Oh, and BTW, Mike --

-- thanks for the t-shirt. I shall wear it proudly.

Have a great weekend, everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Jai Guru Dave12/15/2017 11:21 AM

    Daly...Planet. It took me a while, but I just got it. Nice!
