Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Your Tuesday Moment of Words Fail Me

From 1965, please enjoy The Seekers and their gorgeous folk-rock hit "Another You."

Always liked this song, but I don't think I've ever heard it in stereo before. And I'm totally sure I've never seen this wonderful pretending-to-be-live-in-the-studio video version.

I should add that the charmingly geeky/bespectacled bass player in the clip, who wrote the song, is Tom Springfield.

As in brother of Dusty Springfield. Obviously a very talented family.


  1. Going to have to see if my class at Chicago's Old Town School of Folk Music wants to give this one a try. Nice song.

  2. It's impossible not to feel nostalgia for a time before iphones and video games when kids bothered to learn instruments. And then I drive somewhere I've never been using the GPS in my phone. Bestof/worst of as usual.

  3. Nice. The lead singer is wonderful. Love the production.

    And the hep clothes.

  4. While the writer/producer of the song is Tom, brother of Dusty Springfield, the double bass player is Athol Guy.

  5. I know there's a difference, but I get a kick out of the fact there were The Seekers and The Searchers...
