Thursday, November 22, 2018

Walking in Memphis

Because nothing says Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody! like a deeply embarrassing Elvis Presley song... by Ed Wood Jr.'s girlfriend Delores Fuller.

True story: The 45 of this...

...was actually on the jukebox at my college snack bar, and one night I loaded it up with two dollars worth of dimes and played the song 20 times in a row. As an experiment to see how fast I could clear the place. Pretty damn fast, if memory serves, BTW.

In any case -- Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody!!!


  1. Hollywood sure turned Elvis into a turkey!

    Captain Al

  2. Jair Guru Dave11/22/2018 10:40 AM

    I take it you weren’t well-liked at college?

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, you sadist!

  4. I did same thing at my college cafeteria with Yoko Ono.
