Thursday, January 24, 2019

I've Lived Before!!!

From 1974, please enjoy the charmingly monikered Bridey Murphy and their why-wasn't it a hit? single "The Time Has Come."

Bridey Murphy -- named after my favorite 50s best-seller piece of nonsense The Search for Bridey Murphy (which involves a shrink who hypnotizes a young woman who then "remembers" a previous life as a young girl in 19th century Ireland) -- was a band featuring the great Waddy Wachtel, plus Paul, Barry and Bill Cowsill, of the 60s hitmakers of the same name. That single is the only record they ever made. Had it been successful, obviously, pop music history would have been changed in unfathomable ways.

Incidentally, you can watch the wonderfully cheesy B-movie version of said book over at YouTube HERE. You may or not thank me.

[h/t FD13NYC]


  1. Cool!
    Here is the flip side:

  2. There's just something...missing from this. It reads like something I should love, but I can't figure out what.

    Maybe it should have had a more dynamic chorus. I liked the sound/production *a lot*, though.

  3. I agree with Shriner. Sounds as derivative as bands from the '90's on trying to get whatever that sound is. It sounds like music I love, except I don't.

  4. I liked it, too, particularly the brief guitar solo (Waddy playing it, I assume) - nice, gritty tone, wish it could have gone on longer. And say what you will about the Cowsills, they do harmonize well.

    Chris E.

  5. I think Canadian rock heroes Sloan should cover "The Time Has Come."

    Chris E.
