Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Sing Along With Comrade Trump

From 2018, Brit comic Bill Bailey discovers that in a minor key, "The Star Spangled Banner" sounds Russian.

That guy's new to me, but he's kinda reminiscent of a Victor Borge for the current century. I particularly liked his description of a major key version of "Für Elise" as sounding like "a Bavarian milking song."


  1. Bill is great. He was co-star of Black Books, an excellent Brit-com that's worth seeking out. Only features his musical abilities in one episode, unfortunately, but that's a classic ... Series2, Episode 1, The Entertainer.
    Also does an excellent Billy Bragg impression ...

  2. He was also a longtime panelist on the UK chat/quiz show "Never Mind the Buzzocks," though he did suffer from musicological knowledge.

  3. Yes, that's right the Buzzocks. Mock me, go ahead.
