Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Your Wednesday Moment of Self-Indulgence

Attentive readers may recall that The Floor Models, featuring some asshole whose name rhymes with Sleeve Nimels on bass, recently went into the studio and emerged with an absolutely fabulous version of a song power pop legend Marc Jonson wrote for us several decades ago but which we had never previously recorded.

If you'd like to hear it, please click on the link here and refresh your memory.

The above is going to be on our forthcoming album, BTW.

Art direction courtesy of my beautiful and brilliant girlfriend, who is working cheap, I'll tell you that for free.

Anyway, I bring it up because while cleaning out my old laptop yesterday, I chanced upon this 1989 live version of the song, which while having a much different feel -- eighth notes, goddamnit -- is also pretty spiffy...

...and also catches what a hot little band we were at the time. If I do say so myself.

Tomorrow: actual great music by people who aren't us!!!

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