Tuesday, April 02, 2019

The Present Day Rocker Refuses to Die

From 2018, please enjoy Aaron Lee Tasjan and the appealingly roots-ish "The Truth is So Hard to Believe."

Pretty cool band, too.

I hadn't heard of this guy until this Sunday, when he was recommended to me by friend of PowerPop Joe Benoit, who saw him open for Cheap Trick two weeks ago.

Thanks for the tip, pal.


  1. careful which Tasjan you're referencing. He has as many poses as Beck. Not that that is a bad thing.

  2. I would add that there's a touch of John Lennon here in Tasjan, but to say so, like referring to a band's sound as "Beatlesque," is likely a curse.

  3. That rocks pretty hard. Like it. I can see that would pair well with a tall glass of Cheap Trick.
