Monday, April 29, 2019

Your Monday Moment of Words Fail Me

Long time Rolling Stones back-up vocalist Bernard Fowler has just made what is, for me, the best album of the year so far. And the concept is so brilliant I can't believe nobody's thought to do it before.

Here's my favorite track.

Friend of PowerPop Sal Nunziato, over at his invaluable Burning Wood blog, has the details about it over HERE.

Have I mentioned that words fail me?


  1. Aw c'mon, we Tom Waits fans have been throwing around that idea for years. Glad someone has picked up on it.

  2. Novelty or a classic? Only time will tell!

    Captain Al

  3. Three cheers for the Chambers Brothers!

  4. Wow. From the 1970s to today. What would I do without Simels?
