Monday, July 29, 2019

The Decline of the West (An Occasional Series)

From 1958, please enjoy (if that is the word) Ronnie Burns -- yes, George and Gracie's son -- and his attempted hit single "She's Kinda Cute."

I discovered that song because of late I have been listening to old Jack Benny radio and TV shows in attempt to soothe myself to sleep on nights when today's current events are making me upset. Mostly it works, but when I heard this one I jumped out of bed in a cold sweat as if I was being pursued by the Hounds of Hell.

Seriously, that may be the worst 50s teen idol piece of crap of all time; it makes Frankie Avalon sound like Will and Ariel Durant.


  1. Blue Ash Fan7/29/2019 10:07 AM

    I thought you loved us more than food. What did we do to deserve this?

  2. Ricky Nelson did not have any sleepless nights worrying about Ronnie Burns.

  3. So you say …

    But The Skeletons/Morells traded in this type of stuff for decades and people loved it up?

    So it's trite? Oh yeah, multiply trite by trite. THAT'S pop music!


  4. Agree with G-man.

    Donning the jacket prior to wooing the girl was a nice touch...

