Thursday, July 25, 2019

We Interrupt Covers Week For a Commercial Message

Attentive readers are doubtless aware of friend of PowerPop Joe Benoit (pictured below with some grizzled old timer)...

...who happens to be, coincidentally, a ridiculously talented singer/songwriter/guitarist whose praises I have sung here on numerous occasions.

Joe recently released a four-song EP...

...featuring this quite glorious tune...

...and now he's getting ready to release a full-length album -- ON HIGH QUALITY VINYL! With a real album cover (the kind you used to clean your weed on) and everything!!!

It'll have 9 songs (including the 4 from the EP); I've heard them all and they're killer, instant power pop classics every one of them.

Unfortunately, a project like this costs money, so Joe has started a Kickstarter campaign. At the moment, he's close to reaching half of his goal; I've contributed, and so should you.

So come on, kids -- be a patron of the arts! It's fun, and plus you'll actually be doing something socially valuable, which is rare in these troubled times.

Help make Joe's album a reality -- just click HERE and pledge whatever you can! You won't be sorry!

And tell 'em PowerPop sent you!!!

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