Thursday, December 12, 2019

Your Thursday Moment of "And Speaking of Gorgeous"

From October of this year, and his new album Too Old to Be a Rock Star, please enjoy friend of PowerPop (and moi) Joe Benoit and the drop-dead beautiful "Can You Hear the Song."

Seriously, I get chills just thinking about that track, especially at the end where Joe goes all Beach Boys/CSN harmonies and Brian May guitar. But oh hell -- the whole album is fantastic.

You can find out more about Joe (although attentive readers know I've been bending your ears about him for a couple of years now) over at his official website HERE. And you can (and obviously should) stream the new album (or buy it on vinyl, 'natch) over there as well.

Excuse me -- what are you waiting for?


  1. Jai Guru Dave12/13/2019 1:28 AM

    I hate him! He’s making it impossible for me to ignore my own inadequacy!
