Saturday, September 12, 2020

Don't Get Me Started

I am beyond pissed at blogger. I will be attempting to resolve my (and their) issues before Monday. If It doesn't work -- nice knowing all you folks.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


  1. Say it ain't so, Steve!
    I wish I could help, but I'm technologically hopeless. I was a wiz with a cassette deck, but it's been all a mystery ever since. There must be someone out there who knows what to do.
    If not, please don't burn any bridges, take your time, we'll be here.
    And if this is it... thanks for all those great years, I learnt a lot, had a lot of fun and loved being part of this community.

  2. Hey now wait a minute. I just got here. And as you know, if you leave all the plants will die and then I will have to do something drastic.

  3. Hey Steve. I'm a long-time reader (from way back in the magazine days), first time commenter. I've been using Blogger for several years myself. I'm not a fan of the new interface myself but have figured out how to make it work. I might be able to help if you let me know what issue you're having. One thing you can look for: On the left hand side, below Posts, Stats, Comments ... all the way past where it says View blog, it still says "Revert to legacy Blogger" in my view. Assuming you still have that option and if you pick that, you may get a reprieve from having to adjust to the new system for a while longer. Good luck!

  4. Dean -- thanks for the tip. It worked, and bless you.

    However, I note that the option comes with the proviso that ultimately its going to be moved over to the new POS blogger interface and everybody will have to use said new POS interface, and I remain unconvinced they will fix the bugs by the time that happens.

    But we shall see, and thank you again.
