Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Your Tuesday Moment of Words Fail Me

From their just released debut album, please enjoy fabulous Tom Petty guitarist Mike Campbell's new band band The Dirty Knobs, and "Fuck That Guy."

A fabulous song, I'll think you'll admit, that's even better named than the band itself. Which is really saying something.


  1. That's hilarious. Campbell even sounds a bit like TP.

    Never heard Campbell talk too much as a Heartbreaker, but I always suspected he was pretty salty.

  2. Now that's my kind of 2020 video!

    Captain Al

  3. He oddly and eerily sounds like Tom Petty.

  4. I hear a little Dan Baird of Georgia Satellites in Campbell. Two great songs in addition to Fuck That Guy on the album: the title track, and Don't Knock The Boogie.

  5. Tom and the Heartbreakers live on.
