Monday, January 25, 2021

Even God Is Uneasy

My current favorite song from that Floor Models tribute to The Byrds I've been bugging you about of late.

FYI, the above is only 95 percent finished; it isn't mixed, and the fake string solo will be considerably more ornate after I redo it.

That said, I absolutely adore the track even in its current form, and bless our old Village pal Marc Jonson for his brilliant work on vocals and 12-string.

I should add that we're two songs away from having a finished album; the great Willie Nile has contributed an acoustic version of "You Ain't Going Nowhere," that we're going to add a full band to, and Gerry is hard at work on a version of "Chimes of Freedom," a song that I've always loved but seems especially relevant in the post-President Shiit for Bains era. I'll keep you informed.


  1. Steve:

    I can't get it to play on either Firefox or Safari. Is there another way you can post it?

    Captain Al

  2. Blue Ash Fan1/25/2021 11:28 AM

    You got Marc Jonson? Quite a score there.

  3. Thank you, it's working wonderfully know!

    Captain Al

  4. Wasn't I supposed to be somewhat involved in this project?? Oh well, another time another lifetime.

  5. Very very nice! The strings, though unfinished, sound good to me. They give it a Richard X. Heyman feel

  6. I've Always Got You is another good song from this album.

  7. Such a wonderful song.
