Monday, January 18, 2021

It's Comedy and Music Week Part I: Special "Genius Outakes of the Gods" Edition

From 1972, please enjoy the brilliance that was Godfrey Daniel and their fall-off-the-couch funny version of...

...the late Helen Reddy's feminist anthem "I am Woman."

The short version in case you missed it:

Godfrey Daniel (the name is a euphemism popularized by W.C. Fields) were two freelance engineers -- Andy Solomon and David Palmer -- who to amuse themselves between official recording sessions did hilarious parodies of then contemporary songs in the style of doo-wop oldies.

An irreverent concept, verging on the seditious at the time they did it, that somehow they persuaded the powers that be at Atlantic was commercially viable enough to release on vinyl to an unsuspecting world.

That album went on to become a low selling but legendary cult artifact, especially at my house.

I should add that it is no longer officially available, but I have a high quality digital transfer that I will be happy to send to any reader who requests a copy.

I should also add that I did not know -- until, literally, last weekend -- that there were unreleased tracks from the record that were even MORE potentially subversive and/or offensive (depending on your perspective) than the ones from the official version.

The above, obviously, is my favorite so far.

See you tomorrow, kids.


  1. Where are these outtakes?

    Captain Al

  2. Sounds like a rough mix without the fifties/sixties sound layered onto it like the original album has.

    Captain Al

  3. True story about "I am Woman," which never fails to make me delighted.

    Reddy's management originally offered to the song to Mary Travers, of Peter Paul and, but when went into the studio to record it, she couldn't make it through all way. Every time she got to "I am strong/I am invincible" she would crack up laughing uncontrollably.

  4. I am surprised that you did not mention the Gilda Radner parody version of this song, as performed on the National Lampoon Radio Hour, and which can be found on their "Goodbye Pop" LP of the era.

    I think that the NL version is funnier.


  5. The Gilda is technically not the same song, but I already have it scheduled.
