Friday, February 05, 2021

Drinking Songs Say So Much

From that late 90s Del Amitri album -- Some Other Sucker's Parade -- I've been bugging you about recently, please enjoy the pride of Glasgow's gorgeous title song.

And what a lyric.

I must've had a million damn unlucky days But there ain't no cloud that a bottle can't chase away And I've done my deal of living, ran from place to place But when the roof comes in I don't wanna take it straight

They say with faith any soul can make it But hell, why should I wait Till the clouds go rain on some other sucker's parade

I've had my share of heartaches, let-downs and tricks But the everyday blues is the one thing I can't fix And I've heard those holy brethren muttering my name But it ain't no sin to drink when you're suffering

Patience, they say, is a saintly virtue But hell, why should I wait Till the clouds go rain on some other sucker's parade

When every heavy skyline just empties on your fate Sometimes keeping dry's something to celebrate

So if the road of sin is the one I'm taking I ain't gonna stray Till the clouds go rain on some other sucker's parade

Have I mentioned wow?

I had no idea that the Scots were even more clinically depressed than the Irish.

Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. This is the only Del Amitri record I own. Every track is fantastic. I actually listened to it all yesterday. Seriously, a pop masterpiece. Think I'll listen again today.

  2. check out the crime procedural, Shetland, on Prime. Establishes the Scots as almost as dour as the Fins and Norwegians.

  3. Are you kidding? The Scots TAUGHT the Irish what clinical depression was.

  4. What a great sounding clutter of melody and racket. And can sing.

  5. Six months sober (well dry anyway) and this really cheered me up. Thanks Steve, I feel I can now safely, and with sympatico tunes to boot, now drink myself into the ground. Ashes to ashes and all that rot.

