Friday, February 26, 2021

Her Boots Were Made For Walking

From 1965, please enjoy the remarkable -- who I somehow was unaware of untill last week -- chanteuse/songwriter/babe Barbara Ruskin...

...and her should have been a huge hit B-side "No More to Fall."

You know, I like to fancy myself something of a historian of the popular music of the last half of the 20th century, but this woman somehow totally eluded me. Despite the fact that, as you can hear, she's certainly in the same class as Carole King, Jackie DeShannon and others of as we say that ilk.

Ah well. In the meantime, you can download a brilliant Ruskin compilation...

...for free over OVER HERE

Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. Nice ballad - sounds like something Dusty Springfield would have done a good job with, too.

    It's great that the President Records label put together that CD comp (pictured above) of her work, because she never had an original album back in the 60s - her work just came out, as was a bit more common in those days, strictly on 45s, over a period of several years.

    One of the songs - "Come Into My Arms" - on the CD comp was covered by American chart-regulars the Vogues (of "Five O'Clock World" fame). Another song written by Ruskin, one that did NOT appear on the CD comp, was covered by the Foundations (of "Build Me Up Buttercup" renown). It was called "Hold Me Just A Little While Longer".

  2. Perhaps a longer piece on Ruskin - her songs, her life, her times - could be flogged to The New Yorker.
