Wednesday, June 09, 2021

It's Willie Nile Week (Approximately): Part I -- You Can Do the Boogie Woogie, and the Hippy Hippy Shake!

From Willie's forthcoming -- August 13th -- new album The Day the Earth Stood Still, please enjoy the debut video (with the great Steve Earle), "Blood on Your Hands."

"Blood on your hands/Blood on your hands/There's cracks in the walls of your best laid plans."

Gee -- I wonder what's being referenced there?

I should add that Earle's assertion -- “Willie Nile is the embodiment of Rock-and-Roll walking down McDougal Street" -- couldn't be more dead on.

Tomorrow and Friday -- more proof of Earle's thesis.


  1. Great song. I wonder if WN is talking about the democratic presidents of the 20th century since it was Democrats that got the USA into WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam.

    - Paul in DK

  2. Thank you for introducing partisan politics into a music forum. Do you think "blood on your hands" could be a metaphor for something larger than your desire to troll democrats? BTW, I'm not a democrat.

  3. I was not aware that FDR, rather than Tojo and Hitler, were responsible for starting WWII.

    BTW, that song is way obviously about Trump's bungling of the pandemic.

  4. Politics aside someone, more appropriately a lot of powerful people, have blood on their hands for lack of a better all-encompasing description: GREED. I like the song because it rocks and like most music beyond "Hound Dog" you can make of it what you will. That means it has multi-dimensions...but, for me it just rocks out quite nicely and that's plenty good'e nuff.
