Monday, July 19, 2021

Slippery When Wet

Please enjoy -- from their splendid just released EP -- veteran NYC rockers Diamond Dupree and the kick ass title track "Cool Smooth and Easy."

I had the great good fortune to be playing bass and piano on said song; in retrospect, I think it's the hardest-rocking thing I've ever been involved with. Kind of a cross between Little Richard and The Yardbirds, which is kinda cool.

I should add that DD frontman and old friend Rafael Fuentes actuallly owns both the guitar on the cover and that amazing hand-cranked portable record player from the 40s. Both of which are also kinda cool.

I should also add that you can get the aforementioned EP over at Amazon HERE.


  1. It has that Dylan trick of not *really* taking off until the voice enters. Happens less often than you'd think.

  2. Tons of fun to play. Especially live, when I only did the bass. I felt like the second coming of Paul Samwell-Smith.

  3. Rafael Fuentes...holy tomorrow can that guy play guitar.
    Never heard of him but damn he is good.
