Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Well, This is Cute

Which is to say here's a very nice (unsolicited) plug for the new Floor Models tribute album to The Byrds, lovingly titled In-Flyte Entertainment, over at a website -- Poprock Record -- heretofore unknown to me.

Author Dennis Pilon goes on to say:

For those of us who can’t get enough of the Bryds, a very special record is due out soon from an exquisite jangle-friendly band, The Floor Models. You can get a taste of their fab back catalogue from the 2012 retrospective HERE.

But here I want you to enjoy their indie-fied version of “Lady Friend,” a teaser from their soon-to-be-released album, In Flyte Entertainment: A Tribute to the Byrds.

I thank you, Dennis.

And BTW, you can read more stuff by Dennis over at that Poprock Record website HERE.

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