Monday, August 30, 2021

Oops -- Somebody Leaked the Cover Art for Eric's New Album

In all seriousness, this stupid motherfucker is dead to me.

I mean, he won't get vaccinated, but apparently he never read the warning labels on the heroin packets.

[h/t Edward Greaney]


  1. In the September issue of Harper's, there's a great piece by Garret Keizer called The Third Force: On Stupidity and Transcendence, which defines stupidity as a loss of reality, something roughly equivalent to being untethered from reality.

    Clapton's stance clearly fits this definition. The sadness in Clapton's position is that he couldn't keep his opinions to himself. While clearly one of the world's great rock and blues guitarists, the ol' boy clearly knows - or cares to know - squat about infectious diseases.

    There was a time not long ago where people who knew shit about something kept their food-holes shut for fear of appearing stupid. And if such persons wanted to know something they would go to a trusted source to ask questions, Maybe an informed relative, perhaps a newspaper of record, or God forbid, a library.

    No longer. People haven't gotten stupider. They've likely always been so. It's just that now they can easily find cohorts who are equally misinformed to shout for joy.

    But maybe I'm wrong, and Eric simply went to a Mississippi crossroads to sell his soul for some misinformation. If so, he was never God.

  2. Life is a never ending battle between people who have a clue and those who don't.

    It's a never-ending battle.

    Captain Al

  3. I love how you and Sal are clicking again this morning! :)


  4. Great minds think alike. :-)

  5. Feeble minds, too. I can't wait for an EC collaboration with Van Morrison. It'll be the most-anticipated thing since the fake moon landing.

  6. @Alzo:

    The Moon Landing is fake? Why didn't anyone tell me?

    Captain Al

  7. BTW, the guy who came up with that heroin joke is my very young, very hilarious primary care physician. I kid you not. :-)

  8. I can still listen to Miles Davis, despite his being a terrible person. How many women did he beat up over the course of his life? A dozen? Two dozen? How many people will hear EC's comments and follow them right straight into the hospital or the grave?

  9. I just read this:

    "I bet Clapton would take the vaccine if it was called George Harrison's Wife."

  10. Long time drug and alcohol abuse and being 76 years old and he can't understand why he had bad side effects?? Duh.

  11. Just makes you wish he'd quit talking and make some good music again.
