Friday, February 04, 2022

It's Fountains of Wayne Week (Part Le Fin): Special "L'Amour, Le Jersey Shore" Edition

From the fabulous new Fountains of Wayne/Adam Schlesinger tribute album Saving for a Summer Van...

...please enjoy Motion Picture Soundtrack and their astoundingly faithful cover of "A Dip in the Ocean"...

...and Mikey Eng and a killer remake of "Hey Julie."

I don't know which of these I like better; the "Hey Julie" is a little wimpier than the original, but it still makes me cry, but "A Dip..." sounds so close to the FOW version that the first time I heard it, it thought it WAS the FOW version. Which is kind of amazing, given what a fiendishly difficult song it is to perform faithfully, at least to my my mind.

I should add that if you're so inclined, you can get a vinyl copy of all this over at Vinyl Me Please, but a digital version can be found at Bandcamp.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

[h/t Sal Nunziato]

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