Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Child of Six Could Do This. (Psssttt -- get me a child of six, I can't make heads or tails of it!)

Okay, so I finally figured out what was screwing things up and keeping me from posting stuff that wasn't exclusively on YouTube.

That said, it was an exhausting couple of days, and I'm spending the next 24 hours a) crashing and b) frolicking with hookers 'n' blow.

See you on Wednesday with a gorgeous new song by a long time friend of PowerPop.


  1. Hookers 'n' blow - you are such a ROCK STAR! :-)

  2. At our age let's get real!

    Have a good snooze.

    Doctored Captain Al

  3. Your a) and b) are mutually exclusive.
