Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Honesty is the Best Policy (Except When It Isn't)

So speaking as we were yesterday of Greenwich Village (and briefly Top 40) faves Every Mother's Son, please enjoy their minor 1967 hit single "Pony With the Golden Mane."

I think we can all agree that's a truly lovely piece of folk rock. I remember liking it a lot when it was originally released, but to be honest I hadn't listened to it in a gazillion years. Or more specifically, until the weekend just past.

But when I did, you could have knocked me over with the weather. Because that instrmental intro section is indistinguishable in any meaningful way from the instro intro to a song from another 1967 sophomore album by a group from Greenwich Village.

I refer, of course to "Steve's Song" by The Blues Project."

Yeah, yeah, I know -- in the immortal words of Igor Stravinsky, mediocre composers borrow, great composers steal. But still -- I can't believe I never noticed it before. And hell, I can't believe nobody else in the rock crit racket or music bizness never noticed it before either.


  1. GetAwayGoober4/26/2022 5:11 AM

    Ah yes... which leads to the Led Zep theft of Spirit's "Taurus" intro.

  2. Somewhere a madrigal is screaming he was robbed.
