Thursday, May 26, 2022

The French They Are a Funny Race. They Fight With Their Feet and They....Well, You Know.

From sometime in the mid-Swinging 60s, please enjoy Ye-Ye girls Eileen and their charmingly Gallic cover of the Nancy Sinatra/Lee Hazelwood S&M classic "These Boots Are Made For Walking."

I can find no information about these babes whatsoever, but whoever they were and whoever produced that record they're alright with me.

For les raisons évidentes.


  1. Good but my Fav -
    Plastic Bertrand -
    Ca Plane Pour Moi -
    wish I could provide
    Link - rbm

  2. Beware Steve:

    It's a slippery slope from 'Ye-Ye girls' to 'sunshine pop' to Perry Como. You may have begun that horrifying journey.

    Snarky Doctored Captain Al
