Wednesday, February 22, 2023

When the Moon Comes Over the Mirren

Dame Helen on Conan O'Brien, 2008.

Okay, its not the greatest Keith Moon story ever, but I had never heard it, and it's pretty damn funny anyway. And, of course, Mirren.

In any case, I forget who said it, but it's true -- the Brits should have nationalized Moonie.


  1. Moon was one insane cat. In a good way, that is...

  2. No wonder he was called, Moon The Loon ;-)

  3. You had to see this guy play - saw him in 69, 200 people in club. He had the French Postcard drum set

  4. Haik Mendelovich2/25/2023 6:19 AM

    If you haven't read the great Tony Fletcher Keith Moon bio, run, don't walk.
