Monday, April 10, 2023

Bonjour -- Je Suis Johnny Cash!

Okay, I hate to be picky but...

What I mean is that while I am totally outraged about the clearly racist expulsion of those pro-gun control state representatives over the weekend, and while I TOTALLY support them and hope the Neo-Confederate Republican shitheads who ousted them are going to rue the fucking day...

...I nonetheless completely object to the news media referring to them as The Tennessee Three.

THESE guys are the Tennessee Three. Now and forever.

Sorry, MSNBC.


  1. First thing that came to my mind, too. Although I don't really care who is using it now, it is what they are doing that matters.

  2. Did you see the Greg Popovitch (Coach/San Antonio Spurs) press conference ?
    I hate to use the term "brave" but he took some Pols down an inch or two
