Thursday, April 20, 2023

Life is a Carnival. Well, actually Une Carnavale Des Ames.

From 2023 (i.e., right now) please enjoy Toronto singer/songwriter La Faute (aka Peggy Messing) and her haunting and atmospheric new single "The Crown."

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking -- hey Steve, the above doesn't really have anything to do with the mission statement of this here blog. Well, that's certainly true, but there are two mitigating factors. First of all, the song is genuinely spooky, and it's a perfect fit with the visuals in the video. And second, as you film buffs may have noticed, said visuals are appropriated from Carnival of Souls, a once-seen-never-forgotten indie sort-of-horror low budget cult flick from 1962 that's one of my favorite things of its kind ever.

Anyway, let's just say the auteur of that song has, as they say, got it, IMHO. And in the meantime, you can (and should) find out more about her and hear more of her very cool music over at her official website HERE.

Also, you can order the fantastic Criterion Collection version of Carnival of Souls over at Amazon. Trust me -- you won't regret it.


  1. Thanks for the tip! No, it's not power pop, but it is very good.

    - Paul in DK
