Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Rockers Who Can No Longer Play in Florida For Obvious Reasons (An Occasional Series)

No, this isn't Blondie doing the cover of Parallel Lines in 1978.

Actually, it's Britpop youngsters Blur doing Blondie doing the cover of Parallel Lines in 1991. How I missed it at the time I'll never know.

Anyway, good for 'em -- I would never have guessed that lead singer Damon Albarn could pull off such a convincing Debbie Harry impression.

If truth be told, however, I never particularly cared for Blur -- hey, if you name a new album Modern Life is Rubbish, I can be forgiven for dismissing said album as an example of the very thing you're ostensibly criticizing. But that photo cracks me up nonetheless.

Still, if Governor Woke DeWokeWoke gets a look at it, there could be hell to pay at the Sunshine State's remaining record stores. A word to the wise, if you know what I mean.


  1. Hard to comment on a post without video.
    Me...I was always an Oasis fan.
    ;-) rob

  2. Gov. Woke DeWokeWoke's pea size brain is the problem.

  3. Gov. Woke DeWokeWoke - heh.

    Always liked Blur

  4. I don't know..........

    The photo kind of makes my skin crawl on several different levels. Some thoughts...

    What if that was Ray Davies in the dress?

    It makes me think of the legendary Rolling Stones singles picture sleeve of "Have You Seen Your Mother Baby" which I have always loved!

    At least Debbie Harry has much better legs!

    Is some of my dislike because of my dislike of all those bone-headed British bands of the 1990's?

    I'd like to think it's not my unease with drag culture but it probably is. Hey I'm a product of my times, the 1950's and 60's. While I totally support drag culture politically and intellectually, still it can be difficult to totally support it emotionally. I'm not perfect.

    Confused Captain Al

  5. Drag culture and drag go back way longer than the 1950s and '60s, Captain Al. Did you never see Uncle Miltie?

  6. Captain AL-
    I had the Stones drag cover in the "early" 70s.
    It was taped to my bedroom door.
    I lived in the back country of CT and had to buy my music at the local
    Ben Franklin's.. lol

  7. Captain. Al
    Met a guy at a local bar and we would join each other in Sunday conversation.
    Now this guy was a Fourtien 1o Ex3c.
    After a certain point he told me he was Gay.
    My response-- really don't care I'm straight but you are smart and I love
    the conversation..
    Don't know how this hippies mind worked but sensuality was on the bottom of my
    60s list
