Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Songs I'd Forgotten Existed Let Alone Loved (An Occasional Series): Special "Les Pauvres Sont Toujours Avec Nous" Edition

From 1967, please enjoy Los Angeles garage/punk/psych should-have-beens The Poor and their almost hit "She's Got the Time."

The Poor are remembered, if at all, as the first band featuring future Poco/Eagles bassist Randy Meisner. The song itself, as you will note from the 45 sleeve above, was written by Tom Shipley, of Brewer and Shipley "One Toke Over the Line" fame, and the band was managed by the same guys who handled Buffalo Springfield (York was their custom label, if memory serves).

I actually owned a copy of that back in the day, which means it was probably getting respectable airplay in the the NYC/Tri-State area, but to this day I have yet to meet anybody who professes to have heard it in the fullness of their youth. Me, I think its a great record; at the very least it deserved to be included as part of the original Nuggets compilation.

Oh, and BTW -- for the life of me I can't figure out why I am so hung-up on titling everything in French of late. I suspect an intervention might be in order.


  1. getawaygoober4/12/2023 4:28 AM

    Yeah, I had a couple of years of French too. Never did get "proficient" or "conversational".
    Must have thought I would communicate better in Vietnam... never had the chance.
    Should have taken Spanish.

  2. I also have the single, it's a great little (under two minutes) track. It did get a bit of airplay in the NYC area.

    I think you obsession with the french language means it's time for you and Wendy to get back to Paris!

    Captain Al

  3. Hey Steve;
    You being a Francophile I propose this as being the best French lyric Pop song ever.
    Plastic Bertrand - CA Plane Pour Moi

    Talk about an earworm

  4. And the song was written by Tom Shipley, who later joined forces with Michael Brewer...or did everybody know that?
