Monday, May 08, 2023

Closed for Monkey Business: Special “Who Was That Masked Man?” Edition

Real life concerns intruded over the weekend, so rather than inflict my poor scribblings on you guys today, you can laugh your ass off over the clip below instead while I regroup.

You're welcome. Regular music posting resumes on the morrow.


  1. That IS hilarious. Game, set & match, Mr. Crash-Into-Jay Thomas'-Car.

  2. Steve - never was much of a Jay Thomas fan but thus would be a great guy to have as a dinner guest
    That story had every ear enthralled with its punchline. Please,tell me he wasn't the one who "sang" the Duck song.

  3. Rob,

    If you're referring to "Disco Duck" that wasn't Jay, it was Rick Dees.

  4. Great stories are in the telling. This one is timeless. Still funny. Even after all those times he did it on Letterman.


  5. Dave had Jay on every year to tell that story as one of his Christmas show traditions - he and Dave would then try to knock the pizza off the top of the Christmas tree with footballs.

    Then the better-and-better-every-year rendition of Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) by Darlene Love!
