Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Songs I'd Forgotten Existed, Let Alone Loved (An Occasional Series): Special "And So You See -- Ennui!" Edition

From 1998 and the Conan O'Brien Show, please enjoy power pop nebbishes Barenaked Ladies and their sneakily catchy ode to cosmic futility "It's All Been Done."

I could bop and sing along with that till the proverbial cows come home, frankly. And if "I met you/before the fall of Rome" isn't one of the all-time great opening lines, I don't know what is.


  1. While BNL is still amusing live, their records since the departure of Steven Page have been somewhat forgettable unfortunately.

  2. a wonderfully talented band. Apparently non other than Macca declared them one of the best harmony singers of all time.

    I'm old enough (and Canadian enough) to remember "If I had a Million Dollars" and "Won't you be My Yoko Ono" as (CDN) Radio staples.

    Might be worth a Canada Day list for July 1st...:)

  3. .... but not a very sexy band.


  4. Stunt is a very good LP. I bought it when released back in the day.

  5. This song is in my hall of fame for "Best Power Pop Songs by Non-Power Pop Bands." It would be an interesting category for a slow week. Lots of artists who don't make power pop have come up with one gem that fits the category.
