Thursday, September 14, 2023

Andrew Pasternack 1955-2013

It was ten years ago today that I got the news of my friend and bandmate Andy Pasternack's passing.

Here's Andy at a NYC club in 1982, and one of my favorite songs of his, "What's Wrong With This Picture?"

And here's a studio track he wrote and played the Rick on. "Excuses Excuses." If there is a better ballad -- by anybody -- from the last four decades, I have yet to hear it.

I have joked in these precincts, on several occasions, that a Rickenbacker 12-string guitar, well played, is the most beautiful sound occurring in nature. Thanks to Andy's genius and generosity, I was lucky enough to stand stage left from that sound on more occasions than I can count.


  1. He wasn't just a member of the Floor Models. He was the soul of that band.

  2. "Excuses, Excuses" is one of those songs that any songwriter of worth wishes he/she had written.
