Monday, October 16, 2023

The "My Sweet He's So Fine" of the 21st Century? You Make the Call!!!

Anybody know a good copyright attorney? Asking for a friend.

From 2010, enjoy noted umbrella afficianado Rihanna and her heartfelt ode to the boudoir furniture you buy at West Elm "California King Bed"...

...and then from 2013, it's Pink (with some undeserving jamoke named Nate Ruess) and her sweatier-than-you'll-ever-be hit "Just Give Me a Reason."

Hey, wait a minute. Something's bugging me...what can it be?

Oh wait -- I know.

I mean, far be it from me to be a killjoy, but those are the exact same fucking choruses in both fucking songs!!! How the heck did that happen without aybody else noticing?

Which is to say that George Harrison got sued -- quite successfully, as I recall -- for a lot fucking less, plaigarism-wise. And he had the Lord on his side.

Oh well, we'll let the respective parties' lawyers fight that out.

But in the meantime, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I find Pink, in John Cleese's apt phrase, fiercely erotic. And also that she could have me if she played her cards right.

Of course, that will never happen, and a good thing, too, as I strongly doubt I'd survive the foreplay.


  1. I'd take Rihanna, myself.

  2. Girls first. I'd like to be in the middle of that daisy chain.


  3. My my, is this blog going blue? Since y'all can't get either pop minx, it's probably best to just buy a sports car.

  4. Jai Guru Dave10/16/2023 7:30 PM

    I’ve seen Brooklyn Girl. Steve’s doing just fine.

  5. Hey -- this was a post about musical plaigarism, not x-e-s spelled backwards.
